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Our Services
Film Production, Film Studio, Hollywood, Movies, Film Making, Pre-Production, Post Production, Camera, Cinema, Editing, Color Grading, CinemaScope,
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Empowering Cinematic Excellence

Our Services at Hummingbird Film Studios Inc.

Hummingbird Film Studios Inc. is proud to house a dedicated feature film division, uniquely designed to support a wide array of film projects, from independent gems to major studio productions. Our expertise lies not only in facilitating film projects but also in overseeing their development from conception to the final cut, making us the go-to production company for television advertising in our region. We have established robust partnerships with both local and international advertising agencies, in addition to serving the corporate giants of the Gulf, Pakistan, and India.


Understanding and meeting the unique needs of our clients for superior regional film productions is what sets Hummingbird apart. Under the visionary leadership of Managing Director and Executive Producer U.F. John, alongside our two accomplished Executive Producers, our studio operates three dynamic full-time production teams. Each team is equipped to provide unparalleled support and resources, ensuring seamless production workflows for every project we undertake.


Our comprehensive location facilities, backed by teams of experienced researchers, ensure that every production is supported to the highest standards, from logistics to location scouting. Additionally, our commitment to quality extends to our crew: we collaborate exclusively with the most skilled freelance professionals in and around Washington DC and New York, guaranteeing excellence in every aspect of our productions.


At Hummingbird Film Studios Inc., our aim is to not just fulfill client expectations but to exceed them, offering an unmatched production experience that combines creativity, efficiency, and professionalism. Whether it’s bringing a screenplay to life, crafting compelling television advertisements, or managing complex film productions, we are dedicated to making a significant impact on the cinematic world.


We are committed to telling compelling stories with universal themes that make a difference, cross cultural boundaries and have international appeal, both artistically and commercially.


The Ultimate in DI. Conforming, Editing, Color Grading, Titling, Compositing, Restoration, Mastering and Finishing into one single and consistent interface.


Over the years we have offered our services to a variety of international productions that were shot in Middle East / Pakistan as well as produced various projects for the local market.


Audio studio providing all aspects of audio & music production, audio post-production for radio, TV, film, media, gaming, mobile apps, & events, as well as mastering services. Loaded with high-end acoustics and equipment, with a purpose to provide clients with a professional and comfortable sanctuary.


High quality visual content is essential for any effective digital marketing campaign. The sophisticated modern consumer expects to see what they are going to get, wear, taste and experience long before they will do so in person.


We are a full service agency of creatives, coders, marketers and problem solvers. We work with organizations of all shapes and sizes to solve complex brand building challenges every single day.

IT Support

Hummingbird is distinguished as an experienced and innovative equipment supplier and consultant backed by direct sales and support partnership with reliable and well known International vendors, manufacturers and distributors.


Our unique collaborative structure enables us to make the most out of every project budget. We thrive on direct artist to client interaction, ensuring optimum communication and an inspired result.


Hummingbird offers a comprehensive range of rental equipment and complete shoot support. Whether shooting in one of Hummingbird’s state-of-the-art studios or on location, every need can be met, from the latest digital cameras, Editing, Color Grading System. Dedicated 24-hour digital support team.

Public Relations

We are special event experts – curating stunning soirees, creative campaigns, impactful attendee experiences & platforms for world domination.

Would You Like to Discuss a Project?

Regardless if you have a project ready to go or are just gathering information, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out at your convenience.